Learning Makeup, Head Shaving Party, and More!

Hello everyone! Long time no post 😊. Sometimes it is hard to stay consistent with posting because when I feel bad I want to just lay in bed and sleep, and then when I feel good I want to be out doing stuff. Here are a few life updates since last time!

Before I shaved my head, I wanted to learn how to put on makeup. I was lucky enough to have my friend Caitlynn show me how to buy and apply makeup. I know most people learn before they'r'e 21, but better late than never right? I have learned since shaving my head that applying makeup is a great way to express myself and it is a stress relief as well. 

Another great resource for makeup is the Look Good, Feel Better program put on by the American Red Cross. All you have to do is sign up and they teach you how to put on makeup (and they give you a bag filled with over $250 worth of nice makeup!), tie scarves around your head, information on wigs, skin care, and nutrition. It was an amazing experience!

Here is a picture of Caitlynn and I after our makeup-filled afternoon!
A couple days after learning makeup, my hair started coming out in handfuls every few minutes. This annoyed me so much, that I decided it was time to have a "Cancer Sucks" party (that's been my motto throughout this experience 😂) and shave my head. I invited a few friends over and my mom made my favorite cake. We even Facetimed in my boyfriend so he could watch. I honestly thought it would be a lot harder than it was, but I actually love it! It's so easy to wash, and it takes a lot of time out of getting ready in the mornings. 

I picked out a couple of wigs before we shaved my head, so I was prepared after my hair was gone. I chose a darker wig with bangs that we had highlighted a little bit, and then I also got a hat with hair connected to it. I love both of them so much, and I really enjoy being able to just easily put a wig on in the mornings and my hair is already fixed!
The most exciting thing that has happened the last couple weeks was this past weekend. I was able to attend a JMU football game thanks to Cameron's sister, Heather, and the amazing staff at JMU! We sat in a suite in the press box so I could stay away from the crowds, and had food catered. We were also able to watch the press conference after the game which was awesome. This was such a cool opportunity and I am so thankful to have had the chance to attend one last football game as a student!

Now onto how I've been feeling. This has probably been the hardest round of treatment so far, but my doctor said that's pretty normal. Apparently you continue to get more fatigued as time goes on and your side-effects start to build on each other. My mouth and jaw didn't really hurt this time around, but my back pain has been awful. It has lasted for almost the whole two weeks. Heat helps a lot and we have ordered a TENS machine that helps as well. My fourth treatment will be on Thursday, which means I will be 1/3 of the way done!

AND EXCITING NEWS!! I get my first PET scan on September 19! I can't wait to see how much my tumor has shrunk! If it has shrunk enough, I will be able to get a port put in, which will be such a relief. My PICC line is so annoying because I have to wrap it up with Saran Wrap every time I shower. My skin is also raw and irritated from where they have to rip off the dressings every week, so there's not really any place to stick it anymore. So lets all pray that I can get my port put in soon 😊.

Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers! They are truly helping and you all have been such an encouragement to me. Let's keep beating this thing!


  1. What a girl 💖💖💖so proud of you Jordan. You are amazing

  2. Thanks for posting this. I miss you so much and being able to get a small sense of how your getting on through this gives me peace. You inspire me everyday with your unrelenting strength and I can't express how proud of you I am. Keep fighting and stay strong! I look forward to hearing more from you :-)

  3. Emmeline hated her PICC line as well. Dressing changes were definitely horrific for her. Your continued optimism is so wonderful. Fingers crossed for your port soon.


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